Porky's is a 1981 sex comedy film written and directed by Bob Clark about the escapades of teenagers in 1954 at the fictional Angel Beach High School in Florida. The film stars Kim Cattrall, Scott Colomby, Kaki Hunter, Nancy Parsons, Alex Karras, and Susan Clark.
In 1954, each boy in a group of Florida high school students plans to lose his virginity. They go to Porky's, a strip club in the Everglades, believing that they can hire a prostitute to satisfy their sexual desires. The club's proprietor, Porky, takes their money but humiliates the boys by dumping them into the swamp. When the group demands their money back, the sheriff, Porky's brother, drives them away but not before he extorts them for the rest of their money, further embarrassing them.
More details
author | Bob Clark |
contentLocation | Florida |
director | Bob Clark |
editor | Stan Cole |
events | virginity |
genre | comedy |
keywords | basketball coach drive embarrass end everglades fourth wall head coach hide out high school student howl hudson hornet lassie laugh locker room older brother open police officer quickie quickie sex run scream sexual desire shower sketch artist strip club wanted poster |
musicBy | Paul Zaza |
producer | Bob Clark Don Carmody |
publisher | 20th Century Fox |
recordedAt | Florida Miami |