
Kiki's Delivery Service

Kiki's Delivery Service

is a 1989 Japanese animated fantasy film written, produced, and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Eiko Kadono. It was animated by Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten, Yamato Transport and the Nippon Television Network, and stars the voices of Minami Takayama, Rei Sakuma and Kappei Yamaguchi. The story follows Kiki, a young witch who moves to the port city of Koriko with her cat Jiji and starts a flying courier service.


Kiki, a young witch, decides to go out on her own, which all young witches must do, taking her talking black cat, Jiji, with her. Her mother insists that she take her mother’s old, reliable broomstick. Kiki flies off into the night, searching for a new town to settle into. She encounters another witch and her cat who she finds pretentious but they cause Kiki to wonder what her special "skill" is. Kiki finds the town of Koriko and accidentally flies through traffic, causing disruptions. She is approached by a policeman but a boy named Tombo helps her escape.