Super Rhino
Super Rhino is a 2009 American animated comedy direct-to-video short film, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and starring the characters from feature film Bolt. Directed by Nathan Greno, the short film picks up sometime after the conclusion of Bolt. The excitable and TV obsessed hamster Rhino finds out his friends Penny and Bolt have been kidnapped. Rhino has to save them from the evil Dr. Calico. The short inspires Bolt: The Video Game and is a spin-off to the fictional TV show featuring Bolt.
Bolt and Penny have been captured by Dr. Calico, muffled and suspended above a pool of lava, inside a heavily guarded warehouse on an island in the middle of nowhere – a base which is impenetrable to both people and dogs. Penny's father watches the events from his lab through a secret camera embedded in Bolt's collar and worries that he cannot save her. Discovering that no man or dog can break into Dr. Calico's base, he turns to Rhino, who is watching television in the background. In order to save Bolt and Penny, Rhino is put through the same procedure as Bolt to give him super-powers.
More details
author | Nathan Greno |
director | Clark Spencer Malcolm McDowell Mark Walton Miley Cyrus Sean Donnellan Susie Essman |
editor | Shannon Stein |
genre | animation comedy |
keywords | best of break in build capture discover dream sequence fly middle of nowhere open rid sing theme song |
musicBy | John Powell |
producer | Clark Spencer |
publisher | Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures |
theme | animated animated short short |