


Agnifera, also known as Agniphera, is an Indian television series that premiered on &TV from 20 March 2017. In the beginning, the series starred Yukti Kapoor, Simaran Kaur and Ankit Gera as the leads from 2017 to 2018. Due to a generation leap in 2018, the series then starred Kapoor, Kaur, Karan Goddwani and Samridh Bawa. The series ended on 25 January 2019.


MBA graduate Anurag Singh returns to his hometown Bihar after completing his studies in London. His parents have different choices as to who would become his future wife. Vidvaan wants him to marry lawyer Purushottam Singh's daughter Srishti, but Revati wants him to marry the rich thug Vikraal Singh's spoiled daughter Ragini. However, Anurag decides to marry Srishti, and that enrages Ragini. On the wedding day, Vikraal holds Vidvaan at gunpoint and forcefully makes Anurag marry Ragini. To prevent insult, Srishti marries Anurag's mentally disabled younger brother Vishesh, and soon is taunted for being a middle-class girl by Revati and her niece Dulari, who try to sabotage her studies.
