Caroline in the City
Caroline in the City is an American television sitcom that ran on NBC from 1995 until 1999. It stars Lea Thompson as cartoonist Caroline Duffy, who lives in Manhattan. The rest of the cast includes Eric Lutes, Malcolm Gets, Amy Pietz, and Andy Lauer. The series premiered on September 21, 1995, in the "Must See TV" Thursday night block between Seinfeld and ER and ran for 97 episodes over four seasons before it was cancelled; the final episode was broadcast on April 26, 1999. The series' rights are currently held by CBS Media Ventures.
More details
contentLocation | New York City |
genre | comedy |
nomination | Satellite Award for Best Actor – Television Series Musical or Comedy Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series |
publisher | NBC |
theme | cartoon |