

Bhagavan is a 2009 Indian Malayalam-language medical drama film written and directed by Prasanth Mambully, starring Mohanlal and Daniel Balaji. The story is about Dr. Balagopal who fights a terrorist group led by Saifudeen who attacks his hospital. The entire film was shot in 19 hours aiming the Guinness World Records, but citing technical issues it did not receive the record. The film was shot simultaneously at six different locations. Seven cameras were used for filming. The film was originally planned to be shot within 12 hours, but unexpected rain delayed the shooting.


Months after the dreaded 2008 Mumbai attacks, a terrorist group led by Saifudeen planned bomb blasts at five locations in Cochin. At the same time, Zachariah Thomas, the Home Minister of Kerala, arrived at the hospital for his wife's delivery. Meanwhile, the terrorist group was planning to kidnap the Home Minister and his newborn baby. Saifudeen kidnapped three neonates and Dr. Balagopal came looking for them. Meanwhile, the Home Minister is kidnapped by Saifudeen's men. In the end, Balagopal kills Saifudeen and saves the Home Minister and the infants.