
Where Has Love Gone?

Where Has Love Gone?

Where Has Love Gone? (, lit. Where Are You, Love?) is a 1980 Soviet musical drama film written and directed by Valeriu Gagiu starring Sofia Rotaru as well as Valeriu Gagiu and Evgueny Menishov. The movie features songs performed by Sofia Rotaru, sequence of substantial dialogues. The setting includes Moldavian landscape and countryside life as well as Black Sea coast, Chişinău and Odesa.


After graduation from conservatory, music professor Marcela (Sofia Rotaru) teaches music in a village music school in Moldova. As a main solo vocal she is invited to join a musical vocal instrumental ensemble, which is being directed by astronomer Viktor. The first rehearsal takes place in the astronomic star observatory tower and that's where Viktor falls in love with Marcela. Andrei also has his idea about Marcela as he cheerly appreciates her first performance with their band. Marcela returns home to the village, where her local admirer waits for her next to her house door. The rehearsals lead to an invitation to perform on a cruise ship in the Black Sea. As the relationship with Viktor staggers, Andrei manages to approach Marcela. Love, artistic successes, and, as the genre requires, a victory at an international song festival are awaiting Marcela.