
Thelma is a 1910 American silent short drama film produced by the Thanhouser Company. The story was based on Marie Corelli's 1887 novel of the same name, it focuses on a Norwegian maiden who meets Sir Phillip and the two are wed. Lady Clara conspires to ruin the marriage and tricks Thelma with a letter purported to be from her husband. Thelma returns to Norway and to the death of her father. Thelma, alone in the world, prays at her mother's grave for strength. Sir Phillip searches for Thelma, ultimately finding her, uncovers the tricks which have been played on them and they fall back in love. Released on June 21, 1910, the film was met with praise in The Moving Picture World. An incomplete print of the film survives in the Library of Congress archives.


Though the film is presumed lost, a surviving synopsis was published in The Moving Picture World on June 25, 1910. It states: "Thelma is a simple Norwegian maiden living alone with her father in the land of the midnight sun. Her father is one of the few remaining Vikings, famous in history. As such he is held in great reverence by his servants, who consider him somewhat in the nature of a king, and his daughter a princess. Outside of the years spent at school, Thelma has spent nearly all her time alone, her mother having died when she was a baby. When on a visit to her mother's grave, Thelma meets Sir Philip Errington, a distinguished young Englishman, who is touring Norway in his private yacht. Sir Philip is instantly attracted to her and, obtaining information as to where she lives, presents himself to Olaf, the Viking, and is finally admitted to his friendship and that of his daughter. Sir Philip woos and wins the fair Thelma for his bride, and with her sails back to England. In London, Thelma at once creates a favorable impression and is cordially welcomed by all of Sir Philip's friends, who comprise the nobility and aristocracy of the metropolis. Lady Clara, alone, of all Sir Philip's old friends, wishes Thelma harm. She has long felt an affection for Sir Phillip, and resents the fact that he spurned her love and chose his bride in far-off Norway. This wicked and designing woman determines to wreck Thelma's happiness, and force her to leave England. This she contrives to do, in making Thelma believe that Sir Philip no longer loves her, but that in truth his heart belongs to Lady Clara. As proof of her statement she shows Thelma a letter written to her by Sir Philip in which he pleads the cause of his friend, who is in love with Lady Clara, and wishes her to become his wife. This Lady Clara claims is a love letter written by Sir Philip to her. Thelma, heartbroken, believing she has lost her husband's love, returns to Norway, just as her father, the Viking, breathes his last. She, with his faithful followers, complies with his last wishes, which are that he shall be buried as his forefathers were before him – sent out to sea in his burning ship. This form of burial had been that accorded to all Vikings for centuries past. After straining her eyes for a final look at the departing ship, Thelma retraces her steps to her mother's grave, and there, feeling that she is absolutely alone, prays for the strength to live. Here in a rocky dell before the tomb of her mother, where first she met the man who won her heart, Sir Philip again finds Thelma. A few words suffice to show her how she has been tricked, and a fervent protestation of his love convinces her that she still has a place in his heart. In Sir Philip's arms she finds comfort for the loss of her father; she starts out bravely to again face the world, now sure of his unending love."