

is a 1964 Japanese drama film directed by Mikio Naruse and starring Hideko Takamine and Yūzō Kayama. The story centers on a war widow whose deceased husband's family plans to drive her out of the shop which she runs in the family's house.


For 18 years, war widow Reiko has been running a grocery shop in the house of her deceased husband's family. Now a new supermarket threatens to put the store out of business, so Reiko's sisters-in-law conspire to turn the shop into a supermarket as well and get rid of her. The only family member siding with Reiko is her brother-in-law, 25-year-old Kōji, who regularly gets into drunken fights. He eventually confesses to the 12 years older Reiko that he has always loved her. She rejects him on the grounds that she only cares for him as a family member.

    More details

    director Mikio Naruse
    editor Eiji Ooi
    genre drama
    keywords fall morning return home run train ride war widow
    musicBy Ichirō Saitō
    producer Sanezumi Fujimoto
    productionCompany Toho
    publisher Toho
    theme japanese