The Italian Key
The Italian Key is a 2011 film directed and written by Rosa Karo. The film follows the story of Cabella, a 19-year-old orphan girl, who travels to Italy after she has inherited an old key from her unrelated Uncle Max.
Upon receiving a key from her Uncle Max, orphaned Cabella travels to Italy where she discovers the key is related to a house of the same name, Cabella, near a village. While traveling she loses the key during a stop near a waterfall where she goes for a swim. A mysterious man locates the key and returns it to Cabella, who travels to the village, locates the house, and uses the key to gain entry.
More details
author | Rosa Karo |
contentLocation | Italy |
director | Roosa Toivonen |
editor | Pauliina Punkki |
genre | drama |
keywords | adopt belong boarding school bury bus station disabled even heart attack morning mysterious man orphan paint red dress rich man strange dreams travel walk |
musicBy | Tuomas Kantelinen |
producer | Peter O. Almond Tuomas Kantelinen |
productionCompany | Harmaa Media Oy |
publisher | Nordisk Film |
recordedAt | London |
theme | romantic drama |