
Æon Flux

Æon Flux

Æon Flux, an American avant-garde science-fiction adventure animated television series, aired on MTV from November 30, 1991 until October 10, 1995, with a later film, comic-book and video-game adaptations. It premiered on MTV's Liquid Television experimental animation show as a six-part serial, followed in 1992 by five individual short episodes. In 1995, a season of ten half-hour episodes aired as a stand-alone series. Æon Flux was created by American animator Peter Chung. Each episode's plot has elements of social science fiction, biopunk, dystopian fiction, spy fiction, psychological drama, postmodern and psychedelic imagery, and Gnostic symbolism.


Æon Flux is set in a surreal German Expressionist-style future. The setting depicts a bizarre dystopia populated by mutant creatures, clones and robots, set within two city-states (Monica and Bregna) separated by a border wall in an otherwise barren earth-like world. The title character is a scantily clad dominatrix/secret agent from Monica — skilled in espionage, assassination and acrobatics. She infiltrates and sabotages installations in Bregna, which is led by her sworn enemy, and sometime lover, Trevor Goodchild — the technocratic dictator of Bregna, whose citizens are called Breens. The two nations engage in a futile, never-ending war for ideological supremacy. Monica is portrayed as an anarchistic or libertarian society where there is absolute freedom and individualism. Bregna is shown as a totalitarian regime and an Orwellian police state with an oppressed society under constant surveillance, rules and regulations. Themes of tragic/forbidden love run throughout the series; Trevor has everything, but what he truly wants is Æon, and Æon can accomplish anything she wants except settling down with Trevor.
