
Take the Money and Run

Take the Money and Run is a 1969 American mockumentary crime comedy film directed by Woody Allen. Allen co-wrote the screenplay with Mickey Rose and stars alongside Janet Margolin. The film chronicles the life of Virgil Starkwell, an inept bank robber.


Virgil Starkwell's story parodies prison documentary style, using "archival footage" and "interviews" with people who knew him. Virgil's parents are so ashamed that they wear Groucho glasses during their interviews to hide their identity. As a child, Virgil is a frequent target of bullies, who take his glasses and stamp on them on the floor. In school, he scores well on an IQ test, but his teacher relates that when he stole a fountain pen, she instructed the class to close their eyes so the thief could return it. While all eyes were closed, Virgil returned the pen, but took the opportunity to "feel" all the girls.