
Lured is a 1947 American film noir directed by Douglas Sirk and starring George Sanders, Lucille Ball, Charles Coburn, and Boris Karloff. The film is a remake of 1939 French film Pièges directed by Robert Siodmak, which was titled Personal Column in the United States; Personal Column was also the title of this film when it was originally released. It did not do good business under that name – the code administration was concerned that some people thought the film was titled "LURID", so United Artists pulled it from circulation, and subsequently re-released it with the current title.


Sandra Carpenter is an American who had come to London in order to perform in a show, but is now working as a taxi dancer. She is upset to find out that friend and fellow dancer Lucy Barnard is missing and also believed to be the latest victim of the notorious "Poet Killer," who lures victims with ads in newspapers' personal columns, afterwards sending poems to taunt the police.