

Denmark is a 2010 short film co-written and directed by Daniel Fickle and scored by Gideon Freudmann of The Portland Cello Project. Utilizing puppetry and hand-built sets the film tells a story about Pily, a crustacean of mixed origin, who builds a rocket ship to escape his underwater home when it becomes threatened by pollution.


Pily lives a pastoral life at the bottom of Oregon's Willamette River. He tends to his underwater crops in solitude and proves to be resourceful. His home is built from flotsam and sunken debris.


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    director Daniel Fickle
    editor Jesse Salsberry
    keywords escape plan oil spill oregon oregon's willamette river
    musicBy Gideon Freudmann
    producer Weinland
    productionCompany Two Penguins Productions
    theme short