The Dot and the Line
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics is a 1965 animated short film directed by Chuck Jones and co-directed by Maurice Noble, based on the 1963 book of the same name written and illustrated by Norton Juster, who also provided the film's script. The film was narrated by Robert Morley and produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. It won the 1965 Academy Award for Animated Short Film and was entered into the Short Film Palme d'Or competition at the 1966 Cannes Film Festival.
More details
author | Norton Juster |
award | Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film |
director | Chuck Jones |
genre | animation romance |
musicBy | Eugene Poddany |
nomination | Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film |
producer | Chuck Jones Les Goldman |
productionCompany | MGM Animation/Visual Arts |
publisher | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer |
theme | animated animated short short |