

Match is a 2014 American drama film written and directed by Stephen Belber, based on his 2004 play of the same name. The film stars Patrick Stewart, Carla Gugino and Matthew Lillard. The film was released on January 14, 2015, by IFC Films.


The film revolves around Tobi, a middle-aged ex-dancer now working as a ballet instructor at the Juilliard School in New York City. He is asked for an interview by husband and wife Mike and Lisa, who claim Lisa is preparing a dissertation on the dance community of the 1960s. Through the course of the interview, Mike's questions keep getting more and more personal. He finally reveals that he suspects that Tobi is his biological father, as indicated by Mike's mother on her deathbed. When Tobi denies this, Mike forcefully takes a DNA sample from Tobi and rushes to a police lab, where his friend Jim performs a DNA test.