The Crow
The Crow is a 1994 American superhero film directed by Alex Proyas and written by David J. Schow and John Shirley, based on the 1989 comic book series by James O'Barr. It stars Brandon Lee, in his final film appearance, as Eric Draven, a musician who is resurrected from the dead to seek vengeance against the gang who murdered him and his fiancée.
On Devil's Night, in a crime-ravaged and decrepit Detroit, a young woman, Shelly Webster, is raped and seriously wounded while her rock musician fiancé Eric Draven is shot and thrown to his death from the window of their loft apartment. Police Sergeant Daryl Albrecht accompanies Shelly to the hospital, but she eventually dies from her injuries. A narration states the legend of a crow that carries souls to the land of the dead, but if the person died in tragic circumstances the crow can resurrect their restless spirit to set things right.
More details
author | David J. Schow James O'Barr John Shirley |
contentLocation | Detroit |
director | Alex Proyas |
editor | Dov Hoenig Scott Smith |
events | revenge |
genre | action fantasy thriller |
keywords | abandon ambush apartment building bell tower build church crime boss devil's night drug addict engagement ring estrange face paint force gargoyle hit by a car kill meet morning police sergeant rock music suffer walk wound young girl young woman |
musicBy | Graeme Revell |
producer | Edward R. Pressman Jeff Most |
productionCompany | Dimension Films Entertainment Media Investment Corporation Jeff Most Productions Pressman Film |
publisher | Miramax Films |
recordedAt | North Carolina |
theme | neo-noir superhero supernatural vigilante |