
Transformers: Power of the Primes

Transformers: Power of the Primes

Transformers: Power of the Primes is an animated web series series developed by F.J. DeSanto, Adam Beechen and Jamie Iracleanos, and produced by Machinima, Inc. and Hasbro Studios, with the animation provided by Tatsunoko Production. Part of the Transformers franchise by Hasbro, it is the final installment of the Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy, and the direct sequel to Transformers: Titans Return. The series premiered on May 1, 2018 in the United States on go90, and on Tumblr internationally


In the aftermath of the Titans' conflict that concluded with Optimus Prime's death, the rest of the Transformers must stand together in order to stop Megatronus from wiping out their species forever. During their search for the Requiem Blaster, more mysteries about Cybertron's past will be uncovered, and a new Prime will be chosen.
