Bartleby is a 1970 British drama film directed by Anthony Friedman and starring Paul Scofield, John McEnery and Thorley Walters. It is an adaptation of the short story "Bartleby, the Scrivener; A Story of Wall-street" by Herman Melville. The film relocates the narrative from New York in the 1850s to London in the 1970s.
Bartleby, a young audit clerk, is defeated by the pressures of modern life; he gradually opts out of all forms of social engagement and withdraws into his own world.
More details
author | Anthony Friedman Rodney Carr-Smith |
contentLocation | London |
director | Anthony Friedman |
editor | John S. Smith |
genre | drama |
keywords | modern life |
musicBy | Roger Webb |
producer | Rodney Carr-Smith |
productionCompany | Pantheon Film Productions |
publisher | British Lion Film Corporation |