For the Birds
For the Birds is a 2000 American animated short film produced by Pixar and written and directed by Ralph Eggleston. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 2001. It debuted on June 5, 2000, at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in France, and was shown alongside the theatrical release of the 2001 Disney/Pixar feature film Monsters, Inc.
A small, egg-shaped blue bird lands on a powerline and makes himself comfortable, only for a second bird to land close by. The two birds start squabbling, and are gradually joined by 13 others of the same species, all bickering for space.
More details
author | Ralph Eggleston |
award | Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film |
director | Ralph Eggleston |
editor | Jennifer Taylor Tom Freeman |
genre | comedy |
keywords | bicker blue bird float hang imitate overhead power line powerline shoebill slingshot upside down |
musicBy | Riders in the Sky |
nomination | Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film |
producer | Karen Dufilho-Rosen |
productionCompany | Pixar Animation Studios |
publisher | Buena Vista Pictures |
theme | animated animated short short |