
Rainbow Rangers

Rainbow Rangers

Rainbow Rangers is an animated perschool kids’ television series co-produced by Genius Brands and Telegael Teoranta which premiered on the Nick Jr. Channel on November 5, 2018. The series follows seven nine-year-old girls who reside in the kingdom of Kaleidoscopia. The series was renewed for a second season, with the initial half-season of 13 episodes premiering on October 6, 2019, and a further 13 episodes premiering on October 11, 2020. On April 12, 2021, a third season was greenlit.


Rainbow Rangers takes place in the magical land of Kaleidoscopia and focuses on the adventures of seven 9-year-old girls—Rosie Redd, Mandarin Orange, Anna Banana, Pepper Mintz, Bonnie Blueberry, Indigo Allfruit, and Lavender LaViolette—who are all represented by the colors of the rainbow. Each use their own powers to help protect the citizens of their land, clean the planet, and make the world a better place.


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    genre western
    publisher Nick Jr. Channel