
Sequoia is a 1934 American drama film directed by Chester M. Franklin and written by Ann Cunningham, Sam Armstrong and Carey Wilson. The film stars Jean Parker, Russell Hardie, Samuel S. Hinds, Paul Hurst and Willie Fung. The film was released on December 22, 1934, by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.


Toni and her father Matthew Martin live in the sequoia forests of California. While Toni is out walking, she finds a puma, which she names 'Gato' and a young fawn that she calls 'Malibu.' Toni and her adopted animals become friends quickly. After several years, Toni and her father leave the woods and Gato and Malibu are returned to the wild. Later, when Toni and her father return, they find that the animals in the area have been decimated by logging and hunting. With aggressive hunting parties roaming the area, it is up to Gato and Malibu to survive.

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    director Chester M. Franklin Edwin L. Marin
    editor Charles Hochberg
    genre drama
    keywords adopt fawn hunt log walk
    musicBy Herbert Stothart
    producer John W. Considine Jr.
    productionCompany Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
    publisher Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer