Chhadmabeshi is a 1971 Bengali comedy film directed by Agradoot, starring Uttam Kumar and Madhabi Mukherjee as leads, based on the story Chhadobeshi by writer Upendranath Ganguly. The story revolves around a newly married professor, who plays a practical joke upon his brother-in-law by posing as his family driver. Music of the film composed by Sudhin Dasgupta. The film was remade in Hindi in 1975 as Chupke Chupke and in Kannada in 2004 as Joke Falls.
Abanish Sen (Uttam Kumar) is a Botany professor as well as newly married to Sulekha (Madhabi Chakroborty). When he comes to know that his brother-in-law, advocate Prasanta Ghosh (Bikash Roy), needs a driver at Allahabad where he stays with family, Abanish plans to play a practical joke upon them. As per his plan, he goes to Allahabad and is selected as the driver. Sometime later, Sulekha arrives at Allahabad and lies to Prasanta and her sister Labanya (Anuva Gupta) that being involved in some important work, Abanish will arrive after a few days. In the next few days, Prasanta and Labanya notice and are perturbed by the intimacy between the new driver and Sulekha. Suddenly, Sulekha and Gaurhari alias Abanish flee without informing anyone. At the same time, Abanish's friend Subimal (Subhendu) arrives posing as Abanish, quite angry at the absence of his wife, further irking Prasanta Ghosh.
More details
author | Mahendra Chakraborty Subir Hajra Upendranath Gamguly |
director | Agradoot |
editor | Baidyanath Chatterjee |
genre | comedy |
keywords | married newly married practical joke |
musicBy | Sudhin Dasgupta |
producer | Bibhuti Laha Shib Narayan Dutta |
productionCompany | Chalachitra Bharati |
publisher | Sheema Films |