
Our Cartoon President

Our Cartoon President

Our Cartoon President is an American adult animated satirical television series that premiered on February 11, 2018, and ended on November 8, 2020, on Showtime. The series was created by Stephen Colbert, Chris Licht, Matt Lappin, Tim Luecke, and R. J. Fried and is based on a recurring segment from Colbert's late-night talk show The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.


Our Cartoon President is based on a recurring segment of Stephen Colbert's The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. A workplace comedy taking place in the White House and other Washington, D.C. locations, the show takes a look at the presidency of Donald Trump, his sycophants, his family members, members of Congress, and cable news-based newscasters and political commentators. The second season introduces the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, as the focus of the show shifts to the 2020 election.
