
One Dollar

One Dollar

One Dollar is an American mystery thriller drama television series created by Jason Mosberg that premiered on August 30, 2018, on CBS All Access. The series centers on the denizens of a small rust belt community and shifts perspective from person to person as a dollar bill changes hands. The ensemble cast consists of John Carroll Lynch, Nathaniel Martello-White, Philip Ettinger, Christopher Denham, Kirrilee Berger, Joshua Bitton, Níkẹ Uche Kadri, Gracie Lawrence, and Hamilton Clancy. On December 12, 2018, it was announced that the series had been canceled after one season.


One Dollar is set in "a small rustbelt town in post-recession America, where a one-dollar bill changing hands connects a group of characters involved in a shocking multiple murder. The path of the dollar bill, and point of view in each episode, paints a picture of a modern American town with deep class and cultural divides that spill out into the open as the town's secrets get revealed."

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    director Craig Zobel
    genre drama mystery thriller
    keywords multiple murder one dollar shock
    publisher CBS All Access