
Surfing the Healthcare Tsunami: Bring Your Best Board

Surfing the Healthcare Tsunami: Bring Your Best Board is a made for television documentary that explores medical errors and waste in healthcare. It was broadcast globally on the Discovery Channel in 2012. It references federally-funded studies in the United States and news footage to support the claim that healthcare workers are afraid to speak up when medical errors occur in hospitals. The documentary covers solutions to preventable system failures causing harm. It aired four times on the Discovery Channel commercial-free in North America, Germany, the U.K., France, and other Western European countries including Sweden. It premiered at the National Press Club on April 27, 2012 after a short speech by Captain Sully Sullenberger who was featured in the film. The film was screened at the Texas Health Care Quality Improvement Awards on May 3, 2012. The title “Surfing the Healthcare Tsunami: Bring Your Best Board” is a registered trademark owned by HCC Corporation.


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    genre western
    publisher Discovery Channel