The Deliverance
The Deliverance is an upcoming American supernatural horror thriller film directed by Lee Daniels and written by David Coggeshall and Elijah Bynum. The film stars Andra Day with Rob Morgan, Caleb McLaughlin, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, Tasha Smith, Omar Epps, Mo'Nique, and Glenn Close. This film is based on the Latoya Ammons family possession. The film is scheduled to be released in select theaters on August 16, 2024, and will stream on Netflix on August 30.
More details
author | David Coggeshall Elijah Bynum |
director | Lee Daniels |
editor | Stan Salfas |
genre | horror thriller |
producer | Jackson Nguyen Lee Daniels Pamela Oas Williams Todd Crites Tucker Tooley |
publisher | Netflix |