Revengeance is an American adult animated action black comedy film directed by Bill Plympton and Jim Lujan. Lujan also wrote, composed, and voiced several characters in the film. Plympton single-handedly animated the entire film by pencil on paper, which was digitally reworked and colored by his staff.
A low-rent bounty hunter named Rod Rosse, The One Man Posse, gets entangled in a web of danger when he takes on a job from an ex-biker/ex-wrestler turned U.S. senator named "Deathface".
More details
author | Bill Plympton |
director | Bill Plympton |
editor | Sam Welch |
genre | action comedy |
keywords | bounty hunter |
musicBy | Jim Lujan |
producer | Bill Plympton Georges Schoucair |
theme | animated black comedy |