The Informer
The Informer is a 1935 American drama thriller film directed and produced by John Ford, adapted by Dudley Nichols from the 1925 novel of the same title by Irish novelist Liam O'Flaherty. Set in 1922, the plot concerns the underside of the Irish War of Independence and centers on a disgraced Republican man, played by Victor McLaglen, who anonymously informs on his former comrades and spirals into guilt as his treachery becomes known. Heather Angel, Preston Foster, Margot Grahame, Wallace Ford, Una O'Connor and J. M. Kerrigan co-star. The novel had previously been adapted for a British film of the same name in 1929.
In Dublin in 1922, Gypo Nolan has been kicked out of the outlaw Irish Republican Army (IRA) for not killing a Black and Tan who killed an IRA man. He becomes angry when he sees his streetwalker girlfriend Katie Madden trying to pick up a customer. After he throws the man into the street, Katie laments that she does not have £10 for passage to America to start afresh.
- Barlowe Borland
- Denis O'Dea
- Donald Meek
- Earle Foxe
- Eddy Chandler
- Francis Ford
- Frank Hagney
- Frank Marlowe
- Harry Tenbrook
- Heather Angel
- J. Farrell MacDonald
- J. M. Kerrigan
- Jack Mulhall
- James Murray
- Joe Sawyer
- Margot Grahame
- Preston Foster
- Robert Parrish
- Una O'Connor
- Victor McLaglen
- Wallace Ford
- Ward Bond