Marmaduke is a 2010 American comedy film based on Brad Anderson's comic strip of the same name. The film centers on a rural Kansas family and their pets—a Great Dane named Marmaduke (voiced by Owen Wilson) and his best friend, a Balinese cat named Carlos (voiced by George Lopez)—as the family relocates to Orange County, California and has to face the challenges of starting a new life. The film was released on June 4, 2010 and received extremely negative reviews from critics.
Marmaduke is a Great Dane, living in rural Kansas with his best friend Carlos, a Balinese cat. Their owner Phil Winslow works as a marketing director for Bark Organics, a dog food company. Phil is very strict with Marmaduke; he and his wife Debbie have three children: Barbara, Brian and Sarah.
More details
author | Tim Rasmussen Vince Di Meglio |
contentLocation | California Kansas |
director | Tom Dey |
editor | Don Zimmerman |
genre | comedy live-action |
keywords | abandon animal control service australian shepherd balinese beauceron best friend bos chinese crested dachshund date discover dog catcher dog trainer eat end english mastiff fart fire department get together great dane kansa last chance lightning market meet miniature pinscher morning move new boss new location nothing passes gas petco scar search sing think what i like about you youtube |
musicBy | Christopher Lennertz |
producer | John Davis |
productionCompany | 20th Century Fox |
publisher | 20th Century Fox |
recordedAt | Orange County |
theme | action animals dance surf |