Jackie Chan Adventures
Jackie Chan Adventures is an animated television series developed by John Rogers, Duane Capizzi and Jeff Kline, and produced by Sony Pictures Television (previously Columbia TriStar Television for the first three seasons), Adelaide Productions, The JC Group and Blue Train Entertainment. The cartoon series premiered on September 9, 2000, and ran for five seasons until its conclusion on July 8, 2005. The series focuses on a fictionalized version of Hong Kong action film star Jackie Chan, who operates in life as an archaeologist and special agent, combatting threats that are mainly magical and supernatural (based on real-life mythologies and supernatural stories from Asia and around the world) with the aid of his family and close friends.
Jackie Chan Adventures is set in a world which magic and supernatural forces exist but are unknown to much of humanity – these include demons, ghosts, spirits, spells, and various creatures and gods. Although the series focuses mostly on those from Asia, primarily Chinese mythology and folklore, it also includes those from other locations in the world, including Europe and Central America. In the animated series, the actor Jackie Chan exists in this setting as a professional archaeologist with a high degree of martial combat skill, who is forced to accept the fact that magic and the supernatural exists when he uncovers a talisman in an artifact that possess magical powers sought out by a criminal organization.