Dime to Retire
Dime to Retire is a Looney Tunes cartoon that stars Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. It was released on September 3, 1955, directed and animated by Robert McKimson and voices by Mel Blanc. It runs 7 minutes.
Daffy works as an unscrupulous hotel-keeper and requires only a dime from Porky to stay at his hotel initially. He then proceeds to send various animals up to disturb Porky's sleep (in room #16) and makes Porky pay a fee per animal to get rid of them while Daffy slowly increases the fee amount as each new animal causes problems.
More details
director | Robert McKimson |
keywords | boxer boxer dog cat composer elephant evict lion mouse on fire pneumatic tube run away the jackie gleason show |
musicBy | Milt Franklyn |
producer | Edward Selzer |
productionCompany | Warner Bros. Cartoons |
publisher | Warner Bros. Pictures |
theme | animated cartoon |