

Jaanwar is an Indian Bollywood fantasy film directed by Ali Raza, released on 24 December, 1982. The film stars Rajesh Khanna and Zeenat Aman as the main lead characters of the film. This film was of different genre than the other films of the pair. The film gives a social message of saving animals The film takes place in a mythical kingdom and tells the tale of Raju who gets separated from his father and has to live in a village next to forest and of Rajkumari who as a newborn girl is forced by circumstances to be abandoned in a forest and subsequently is brought by animals.


Murad is a king and he makes a wish that if a baby girl is born in his house, he will ensure that animals are not caged in his kingdom. The little Rajkumari is born afterwards to the Queen Veena and Murad keeps his promise of freeing the animals and visiting the temple of Eagle God with the newborn baby. Soon after the girl is born, without even allowing Veena to even get a glimpse of the newborn, Murad decides to take her on pilgrimage. On his way to the place via the forest, he is attacked by Kamal Kapoor, who is sent by Pradeep to steal the treasury and kill Murad so that he can be the King, being next in line after Murad and all the bodyguards of Murad are killed. Murad asks his elephant driver Ram Singh to take the baby away and give all the gold jewels in the elephant cast to the God Eagle. Ram Singh being an honest servant, decides to take the baby, but is attacked so he orders his elephant to take the cart and hand over the baby to God Eagle. At the palace, Pradeep receives word that the Rajkumari and the treasure have vanished, but that the king is dead. He announces that Ram Singh has betrayed his king and offers his baby girl Taramati to poor grieving Veena as compensation for her lost daughter. Ram Singh's wife (Nirupa Roy) flees with her young son Raju as their house is burned to the ground by Pradeep's men.