Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales is an animated educational fantasy children's television series created by Jim Coane and Ron Rodecker, developed by Coane, Wesley Eure, Jeffrey Scott, Cliff Ruby and Elana Lesser, and produced by the Children's Television Workshop (now known as Sesame Workshop), Columbia TriStar Television (now known as Sony Pictures Television) and Adelaide Productions. The series focuses on the adventures of two siblings, Emmy and Max, and their dragon friends Cassie, Ord, and Zak and Wheezie.
The series focuses on the adventures of six-year-old Emmy and four-year-old Max, two Mexican-American human siblings. Upon moving into their new house, they find an enchanted dragon scale which, upon reciting a special rhyme, can magically transport them to Dragon Land, a whimsical fantasy world inhabited by colorful dragons. Befriended by four dragons with distinctive personalities – the shy, yet intelligent and sweet-natured Cassie; the strong, yet fearful Ord; and polar opposite conjoined twins, neat-freak Zak and rambunctious Wheezie – Emmy and Max frequently travel to Dragon Land and help their friends in fulfilling particular quests, assisting them in their daily problems, and learning important morals through their experiences in Dragon Land. At the end of each episode, Emmy and Max hold hands and recite another special rhyme to return to Earth.