Arrowhead (also released as Alien Arrival) is a 2015 Australian science fiction film directed by Jesse O'Brien. It stars Dan Mor as Kye Cortland, an escaped political prisoner who is recruited by a rebellion to rescue his father from a totalitarian government. During his mission, he crash lands on a desert moon, which he learns has strategic value to both sides of the conflict.
While escaping a political prison on a mining colony, Kye Cortland is forced to amputate his foot to save himself and the other prisoners from being torn apart by the mining machinery. Cortland is recruited to join the rebellion against General Lang, who won a civil war against General Hatch. Hatch explains to Cortland that his father, an important figure to the rebellion, is scheduled to be executed in several months on the anniversary of Lang's victory. Hatch wants Cortland, an accomplished pilot, to hijack a scientific vessel, retrieve its data, and use it to help Hatch free Cortland's father. Cortland receives a cybernetic foot and agrees.
More details
author | Jesse O'Brien |
director | Jesse O'Brien |
genre | adventure political science fiction |
keywords | bond capture civil war creature attack engage escape pod explore force heal kill land learn mass murder mine rescue serve set up suffer survive suspended animation terrorist attack time dilation toxic atmosphere |
musicBy | Ryan Stevens |
producer | Ben Whimpey Christian D'Alessi Jesse O'Brien |
theme | science fiction adventure |