
Die Fahne von Kriwoj Rog

Die Fahne von Kriwoj Rog

The Banner of Krivoi Rog is an East German film, directed by Kurt Maetzig. It was released in 1967.


Communist miner Otto Brosowski writes to the Krivoi Rog's miners telling them of the harsh conditions in which he and his friends work, as the capitalist owners of the copper mine demand harder work. He receives a Red Banner from them. As the Nazis seize power, Otto and his family hide the flag from the authorities, taking great personal risks. In 1945, as the Second World War nears its end, the town is occupied by the Americans, who also wish to steal the Banner. In July 1945, as the Americans retreat and allow the Red Army to take over the area, the Brosowski family takes the flag and heads to meet the Soviets.
