Kondal is a 2024 Indian Malayalam language action drama film directed by Ajith Mampally and written by Ajith Mampally, Roylin Robert, and Satheesh Thonakkal. The film stars Antony Varghese, Raj B. Shetty, and Shabeer Kallarakkal in lead roles. The film revolves around Manuel, who has just returned from the Gulf and finds himself aimlessly wandering through existence. Manuel's circumstances take a turn for the worse as he becomes caught up in a perilous clash with a formidable organization.
Immanuel, affectionately called Manuel by those around him, comes from the seaside village of Anchuthengu located in Thiruvananthapuram. His carefree and reckless way of living mostly centered around drinking, suggests he is grappling with some unseen struggles, all while remaining fiercely devoted to his family. As Manuel faces his own challenges, the village finds itself embroiled in a scandal that threatens its very existence, primarily dependent as it is on fishing for sustenance. The local business, Stephen and Sons, a well-known name in the community, is found to be peddling rotten fish, triggering an uproar among the villagers and tarnishing their reputation. With sales taking a nosedive, the fishermen rally together, demanding that the company take responsibility for its actions in order to salvage their way of life. Yet, the owners, played by Spadikam Sunny and Usha, brush off these pleas and persist in marketing their tainted goods. As frustrations mount, tensions reach a boiling point, culminating in a fierce clash, with Manuel's involvement transforming the situation into a brutal altercation.
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author | Ajith Mampally Roylin Robert Satheesh Thonakkal |
director | Ajith Mampally |
editor | Sreejith Sarang |
genre | action drama |
keywords | collision course disturb drink fish grapple market seaside village sibling their way way of life |
producer | Manuel Cruz Darwin Sophia Paul |
productionCompany | Weekend Blockbusters |
theme | action drama |