Friday the 13th: The Series
Friday the 13th: The Series is a television series that ran for three seasons, from October 3, 1987, to May 26, 1990, in first-run syndication. The series follows Micki and Ryan, cousins who inherit an antiques store; after selling all the antiques, they learn from Jack Marshak that the items are cursed. The trio then work together to recover the objects and return them to the safety of the shop's vault.
An antique dealer named Lewis Vendredi (played by R. G. Armstrong; "Vendredi" means "Friday" in French) has made a deal with the Devil to sell cursed antiques out of his shop, "Vendredi's Antiques", in exchange for wealth, magic powers, and immortality. In the show's first episode ("The Inheritance"), tired of being merely an obedient puppet for the Devil, Lewis rebels against the Devil and breaks the deal, thus being killed and having his soul claimed by the Devil for it.