Wrinkles is a 2011 Spanish adult animated comedy-drama film directed by Ignacio Ferreras, based on the comic book with the same title by Paco Roca. The story is set in a retirement home and revolves around the friendship between two elderly men, one of them in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
This animated story opens with Emilio being dropped off at a nursing home. His son tells him that he will be happier there and leaves with a short goodbye. Emilio was a banker in life and has early Alzheimers. Miguel is his talkative roommate who gives him a tour. Miguel is truthful about getting old and how the place works. There is a pool that nobody uses but it looks good and makes the families feel better knowing it's there. Miguel cons residents out of small fees for things they will never need or use. He charges a woman for the phone so she can call her son to come and pick her up. She will forget that she intended to call. He makes a little money and she feels a little better trying to get home.
More details
author | Ignacio Ferreras |
award | Prix du meilleur premier film |
contentLocation | Spain |
director | Ignacio Ferreras |
editor | Ignacio Ferreras |
events | Alzheimer's disease friendship old age retirement home |
genre | comedy-drama |
keywords | animate broken arm married man memory loss morning nursing home one night steal |
musicBy | Nani Garcia |
nomination | European Film Award for Best Animated Feature Film |
producer | Manuel Cristobal Oriol Ivern |
productionCompany | Perro Verde Films |
publisher | Cameo Media |
theme | animated |