
Falling for Grace

Falling for Grace

Falling for Grace is a 2006 romantic comedy film directed by Asian-American Fay Ann Lee, who also co-wrote the film with Karen Rousso, and stars alongside Gale Harold. It debuted at the 2006 Tribeca Film Festival (as East Broadway). New York magazine called the film one of the two best entries in the "New York, New York" competition that year.


Grace Tang (Fay Ann Lee) is an ambitious Wall Street investment banker raised in New York's Chinatown. Though she has achieved financial success and stability as a mergers and acquisitions associate, Grace still yearns for social acceptance among the Upper East Side elite. When she is finally invited to her first high-end soiree, a Junior Committee meet-and-greet for a prestigious opera company, she is accidentally mistaken for an heiress from Hong Kong, also named Grace Tang. Her efforts to correct the mistake lose some of their forcefulness when she is subsequently introduced to handsome Andrew James Barrington Jr. (Gale Harold), who is dating committee-member Kay Douglas (Stephanie March).