

Da is a 1988 film directed by Matt Clark, produced by Julie Corman, and starring Martin Sheen, Barnard Hughes, reprising his Tony Award-winning Broadway performance, and William Hickey. The screenplay was written by Irish playwright and journalist Hugh Leonard, who adapted it from his 1978 play Da, with additional material from his autobiographical book Home Before Night.


Charlie is a playwright in New York who must travel to Ireland to oversee the burial of his father, "Da". During his time there he visits his childhood home, and is visited by the spirit of his deceased father. Charlie then travels down memory lane, reliving both happy and sad memories.


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    award Sitges Film Festival Best Screenplay award
    contentLocation Republic of Ireland
    director Matt Clark
    editor Nancy Nuttal Beyda
    genre drama
    keywords childhood home
    musicBy Elmer Bernstein
    producer Julie Corman
    publisher FilmDallas Pictures