
Spirit Rangers

Spirit Rangers

Spirit Rangers is an animated preschool television series created by Karissa Valencia, a member of the Santa Ynez Band of the Chumash Nation. Co-produced by Netflix Animation, Laughing Wild and Superprod Studio, the series was released on Netflix on October 10, 2022, before Indigenous Peoples' Day. On January 18, 2023, it was announced that the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on May 8. On June 15 the same year, it was announced the series was renewed for a third and final season which premiered on April 8, 2024.


The show centers on Chumash and Cowlitz siblings Kodi, Summer and Eddy Skycedar, who have the power to teleport into a magical spirit dimension in their Californian national park. In the spirit realm, Kodi transforms into a grizzly bear cub or stingray, Summer a red-tailed hawk or an octopus, and Eddy a turtle or orca. Their Mom can transform into a bear and their Dad can transform into a tree.
