Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh is a 2011 American animated musical comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures under Walt Disney Pictures. It is based on the book series of the same name written by A. A. Milne and illustrated by E. H. Shepard. The film is a revival of Disney's Winnie the Pooh franchise, the fifth theatrical Winnie the Pooh film released (either animated and overall), and the second in the Disney Animated Canon. It was directed by Stephen Anderson and Don Hall (in his feature directorial debut) and produced by Peter Del Vecho and Clark Spencer, based on a story that Anderson and Hall conceived with Clio Chiang, Don Dougherty, Kendelle Hoyer, Brian Kesinger, Nicole Mitchell, and Jeremy Spears.
The film's setting takes place inside a book, which tells about the adventures of Christopher Robin and his friends Winnie the Pooh (Pooh for short), Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, Tigger, Owl, Kanga, and Roo, who all live in the Hundred Acre Wood.
More details
author | Brian Kesinger Burny Mattinson Clio Chiang Don Dougherty Don Hall Jeremy Spears Kendelle Hoyer Nicole Mitchell Stephen J. Anderson |
award | Annie Award |
contentLocation | Hundred Acre Wood |
director | Don Hall Stephen J. Anderson |
genre | action animation comedy fantasy |
keywords | abduct bell pull book christopher robin eeyore fall hide honey pot how to kanga morning owl piglet pit pit trap post-credits scene rabbit read roo school search struggle tigger train trap winnie the pooh |
musicBy | Henry Jackman Kristen Anderson-Lopez Robert Lopez |
producer | Clark Spencer Peter Del Vecho |
publisher | Walt Disney Pictures Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures |
theme | animated buddy buddy comedy musical musical comedy |