Diya, previously known as Karu, is a 2018 Indian horror film directed by A. L. Vijay and produced by Lyca Productions. The film is shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu languages, the latter titled as Kanam. It stars Sai Pallavi, Naga Shourya, and Veronika Arora. The music was composed by Sam CS, with editing done by Anthony and cinematography by Nirav Shah. Both the Tamil and Telugu versions were released on 27 April 2018.
The plot revolves around Thulasi and Krishna. Thulasi gets pregnant because of Krishna at the age of 19, but their family decides to abort the child. After five years, they get married, but Thulasi is not very happy because of their past. Later, Krishna explains to let go of the past, and soon, she comes out of the pain and starts leading a happy life.
More details
author | A. L. Vijay |
director | A. L. Vijay |
editor | Anthony |
genre | horror thriller |
keywords | build burn car accident construction site doctor who force happen kill married search suffer |
musicBy | Sam C. S. |
producer | Allirajah Subaskaran |
productionCompany | Lyca Productions |
publisher | Naveen |