
Il Caimano del Piave

Il Caimano del Piave

Il Caimano del Piave is a 1951 Italian war-melodrama film directed by Giorgio Bianchi.


After completing her studies, Lucilla di Torrebruna returns to San Donà di Piave where her father, a cavalry colonel, is about to marry Helène in a second marriage. Seeing her father happy with her the girl bears the hostility of her stepmother. The First World War breaks out and Franco, a fellow student of Lucilla, leaves Trieste to enter Italian territory to enlist in the Bersaglieri but due to the defeat of Caporetto the Austrians occupy the town of San Donà and the Torrebruna villa becomes the headquarters of the command military and Helène reveals that she is a pro-Austrian spy.