The Nanny
The Nanny is a 1965 British psychological horror thriller film directed by Seth Holt, and starring Bette Davis, Wendy Craig, and Jill Bennett. Davis plays a devoted nanny caring for a 10-year-old boy recently discharged from a home for disturbed children. It is based on the novel of the same title by Evelyn Piper (a pseudonym for Merriam Modell) and was scored by Richard Rodney Bennett. It was made by Hammer Film Productions at Elstree Studios.
Joey spends two years at a school for emotionally disturbed children after being blamed for drowning his younger sister Susy. The school's headmaster informs Joey's father, Bill, that his son harbours an intense dislike of middle-aged women. This extends to the family's nanny, whom Joey distrusts and disrespects.
More details
author | Jimmy Sangster |
contentLocation | London |
director | Seth Holt |
editor | Tom Simpson |
events | psychiatry unsafe abortion |
genre | horror thriller |
keywords | abortion alarm system cry deathbed disturbed child doctor who drown eat emotionally disturbed flashback float grieve head teacher headmaster heart attack hospital room illegal abortion kill mentally ill moan nanny neurosis neurotic queen's messenger read rheumatic fever run single mother sleep steak and kidney pie suffer taking a bath upside down weak heart |
musicBy | Richard Rodney Bennett |
producer | Jimmy Sangster |
productionCompany | Associated British Picture Corporation Hammer Film Productions Seven Arts Productions |
publisher | Warner-Pathé Distributors |
recordedAt | London |
theme | psycho-biddy psychological horror psychological thriller |