Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters is an American animated television series developed by Klasky Csupo for Nickelodeon, and the fifth Nicktoon after Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Rugrats, and Rocko's Modern Life. The show focuses on three young monsters—Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm—who attend a school for monsters under a city dump and learn to frighten humans. Many of the episodes revolve around their zany hijinks after making it to the surface in order to perform "scares" as class assignments.
The episodes follow the adventures of Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm, three young monster friends attending a monster school whose headmaster is The Gromble.
More details
contentLocation | New York City |
genre | comedy horror |
keywords | build empire state building fresh kills landfill ind subway system independent subway system |
musicBy | Drew Neumann |
publisher | Nickelodeon |
theme | horror comedy |