
The Weekenders

The Weekenders

The Weekenders (also known as Disney's The Weekenders) is an American animated television series created by Doug Langdale that ran on February 26, 2000, with the last episode airing on February 29, 2004, spanning four seasons. It centers on the weekend life of four 12-year-old 7th graders: Tino, Lor, Carver, and Tish. The series originally aired on ABC (Disney's One Saturday Morning) and UPN (Disney's One Too), but was later moved to Toon Disney.


The Weekenders details the weekends of four best friends: Tino Tonitini (voiced by Jason Marsden), a friendly and ambitious Italian-American boy; Lorraine "Lor" MacQuarrie (voiced by Grey DeLisle), a hyperactive and dull-witted Scottish-American girl; Carver René Descartes (voiced by Phil LaMarr), a vain and materialistic African-American boy who is of Haitian descent; and Petratishkovna "Tish" Katsufrakis (voiced by Kath Soucie), a highly intelligent and bibliophilic Jewish-American girl of Eastern European descent (the fictional country where she was born is identified throughout the series simply as "the Old Country"). Every episode is set over the course of a weekend, with little to no mentions of school life. Friday sets up the adventure of the episode, Saturday escalates/develops it, and the climatic third act happens on Sunday. The implied "ticking clock" is used to signify the characters running out of time and the problem must be solved before going back to school Monday.
