The Wiggles Movie
The Wiggles Movie (known internationally as Magical Adventure! A Wiggly Movie) is a 1997 Australian musical film directed by Dean Covell from a screenplay by Greg Truman. Produced by 20th Century Fox and Gladusaurus Productions, it is the first and only feature film starring the Wiggles. The story features amateur magician Wally the Great (Tony Harvey) trying to become a better magician by stealing Greg's magic wand, but is confronted by Dorothy the Dinosaur who believes the Wiggles have forgotten her birthday, while they have actually been planning a surprise party.
Wally the Great (Tony Harvey), great-grandson of Waldo the Magnificent, is an amateur magician whose dream is to win the competition at the Magic Club for Best Magician. He is confronted with a rival, Roland the Remarkable (Dale Burridge), who believes Wally is a nobody. Meanwhile, children's entertainers the Wiggles, consisting of lead singer Greg Page, guitarist Murray Cook, drummer Anthony Field and keyboardist Jeff Fatt, are performing at a nearby school for Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday. Mrs. Bingle (Joanne Samuel), the principal, has an incident with Anthony after she blows a whistle, causing him to act extremely silly. Wally, watching from behind a wall, sees Dorothy herself laying Greg's (who is a magician) wand on a table while sulking that everyone has forgotten her birthday but really they were trying to keep the surprise party for her a secret. Wally quickly snatches it but is caught by Dorothy. The two have a tug of war and the wand breaks in half. Meanwhile, the Wiggles decide to go out looking for Dorothy in their Big Red Car.
More details
author | Greg Truman |
contentLocation | Australia Wiggles World |
director | Dean Covell |
editor | Marc van Buuren |
events | dinosaur magician The Wiggles |
genre | adventure comedy |
keywords | big band car park lead singer principal surprise party their way tug of war wait wiggle |
musicBy | John Field The Wiggles |
producer | Hilton Fatt |
productionCompany | Gladusaurus Productions |
publisher | 20th Century Fox HIT Entertainment |
recordedAt | Oatlands Yaralla Estate |
theme | children's children's adventure children's comedy musical |