Donald's Fire Survival Plan
Donald's Fire Survival Plan is an 11-minute Donald Duck educational cartoon released on May 5, 1966. The film was directed by Les Clark. This animated short focuses on fire safety in the home. The original release of this short included a live-action introduction from Walt Disney. It was re-released in August 1984 without the Walt Disney introduction.
The feature opens with the image of a burning house which pans out to reveal Walt Disney watching the scene on a television screen. Walt goes on to explain how many homes are lost to house fires every day in the United States and how many lives are lost, over a third of those being small children.
More details
author | William Bosché |
director | Les Clark |
genre | live-action |
keywords | animate build burn donald duck draw escape plan fire department fire escape house fire how to in the closet living room read school teacher smoke alarm united states |
musicBy | George Bruns |
producer | Walt Disney |
productionCompany | Walt Disney Animation Studios |
publisher | Buena Vista Distribution |
theme | animated animated short cartoon educational short |